Theft of Adobe Originality – Delhi High Court grants ex-parte injunction in favor of Adobe

Delhi High Court has granted an ex-parte injunction in favor of ADOBE in a trademark infringement suit against one Namase Patel, who had registered the domain names and in respect of computer software and other IT-related services. ...
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Performer’s Right under Copyright Law

Performers are the disseminator of works of literary, dramatic artistic and musical authorship. Despite the painstaking demands of the performing art form, performers have not been treated down the ages with the same respect as literary authors. They inhabited the fringes of the society that was considered disrespectful. The performance by any person who is a part of the creative process in front ...
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The Need Of Alternative Dispute Resolution (Adr) In IP Disputes

ADR alludes to impartial instruments permitting the parties to settle their issues outside of court in a private discussion, with the help of a certified unbiased delegate of their decision. It plays a dominant role over the conventional methods of prosecution....
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