Supreme Court refuses to stay release of ‘Why I killed Gandhi’ on OTT platform

Supreme Court refuses to stay release of ‘Why I killed Gandhi’ on OTT platform

A PIL had been filed in the Hon’ble Supreme Court by one Sikander Behl(petitioner) against the Union of India, Central Board of Film Certification, Ribalta Media Technology Pvt. Ltd, Right Image International & Kalyani Singh seeking a stay of release of the film ‘Why I killed Gandhi’ on OTT platform, Limelight.

The petition stated that the movie aimed at creating communal disharmony, spreading hatred, and disturbing the peace and has not been cleared by the Central Board of Film Certification and was going for direct OTT release.

Today, the Supreme Court dismissed the petition stating that Article 32 of the Constitution of India guarantees the right to initiate proceedings in this Court for enforcement of a fundamental right guaranteed under Part-III.

The Court stated that the petitioner as a citizen might have a severe cause of concern if the ‘Father of the Nation’ image is tarnished by exhibiting films in digital media or otherwise. Further, the Court clarified that the petitioner is at liberty to approach the High Court under Article 226 of the Constitution of India.

The All-India Cine Workers Association had written a letter to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi demanding a complete ban on the movie, which glorifies the traitor and killer of Mahatma Gandhi.

Read the order here

Disclaimer: This brief is intended to provide general guidance to the subject matter. It does not contain legal advice. For any specific advice/corrections, write to [email protected]


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