At the EUIPO we try constantly to improve the quality of our decisions and provide top-notch products and services to our customers. [#item_full_content]...
As of 28 July 2021, the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) uses and accepts the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass. [#item_full_content]...
The EUIPO received a record 101 021 EU trade mark applications during the first six months of 2021, an increase of around 24 % compared with the same period last year. Registered Community Design filing volumes grew by almost 2 % over the same period. [#item_full_content]...
In September the EUIPO will organise a new edition of the ‘IP Course for Paralegals’. The course will take place over two mornings – 14 and 15 September – and be held virtually using the online platform Zoom. [#item_full_content]...
The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) signed a new Service Level Agreement (SLA) which entered into force on 21 July 2021. [#item_full_content]...
The 1 million digitised files milestone was achieved on 7 July 2021 at the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH). The total number of digitised pages stands now at approximately 18 million. [#item_full_content]...
Procedural misrepresentation refers to the bypassing of requirements regarding who can be a legal practitioner or professional representative before the EUIPO. [#item_full_content]...
Beware of the new misleading letter in circulation! It takes the form of a fake EUTM payment reminder letter uses the EUIPO logo, name, acronym and address, and purports to be an EUTM payment reminder issued and electronically signed by a senior manager of the Office. It includes a demand for a registration fee to […]...
The EUIPO and the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA) have signed a collaboration agreement to encourage activities and promote services that support small businesses. [#item_full_content]...
As a gesture of solidarity with the victims of the recent floods, the Office has lowered the EU, the EUIPO and the Belgian flags. [#item_full_content]...