The State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania (SPB) has successfully implemented new functionalities into its back office system. [#item_full_content]...
This year’s World IP Day campaign ‘IP & SMEs: taking your ideas to market’is an opportunity to celebrate the role that intellectual property plays in supporting creativity and innovation. [#item_full_content]...
On 5 April 2021 the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) completed the implementation of a new set of improvements to its Back Office system for Designs. These were implemented with the support of the EUIPO’s European cooperation projects. [#item_full_content]...
The Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation (OBI) has improved its Back Office system, with the support of the EUIPO’s European Cooperation Projects (ECP2). [#item_full_content]...
The move of scrapping down of the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB) has been considered as a notable change as the purpose behind establishment of the same which was efficient and timely disposal of cases was rarely met.
The debate between the ‘copyright’ and ‘copyrighted article’ has arisen between the taxpayers which are the software companies and the revenue authorities....
Geographical Indication(GI) have emerged in the recent past as an important topic in IPR and more than a hundred items have been registered as GI’s since the introduction of the GI Act, 2003....
Certification marks are often grouped with collective mark- the prime reason being the ability of both the marks to classify the good/service as a part of a “group of a-likes”....