Payment of fees with credit card: Strong Customer Authentication required

Recently, some of our users have been unable to complete their fee payments with credit/debit cards due to non-compliance with the Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) requirements. To avoid this situation, we recommend that users contact their bank to ensure that their credit/debit cards meet the requirements to complete secure payments.   [#item_full_content]...
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European Cooperation: visual search for TMview extended to Denmark

As of 18 December 2020, the Danish Patent and Trademark Office Danish Patent and Trademark Office (DKPTO) has made its trade mark images available to TMview visual search tool. TMview’s visual search facility allows users to search for trade mark images in the world’s largest online trade mark database. [#item_full_content]...
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Concept Of Trade Secrets In IPR Regime

Trade Secrets are Intellectual Property Rights on ‘confidential information’ that may be sold or licensed. Trade Secrets are important IP rights that helps small businesses to protect their secret formulas information and other key things that give them a competitive edge. ...
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