Prior use of Trademark

The principle of prior use in adoption and usage of the mark, prevails over priority in registration, and holds great importance in specific situations. It is an all-around acknowledged legal rule that the privileges of a prior user of the mark are kept on a higher platform than even that of the owner of an existing brand name....
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Critical Analysis of Joint Ownership of Copyright

Cases where creation of a copyrighted work has more than one author or creators the “rights and obligations” of the creators may not be so self-evident. The “joint ownership” precept includes a “sharing” of rights, albeit ideally, particularly if the publisher is a co-creator, it is a purposeful sharing of rights....
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Role of IPR In Bio-diversity

IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) laws encourage the commercialization of seed development, monoculture, protect the modified microorganisms and new plant varieties. To achieve this objective the Biological Diversity Act 2002 and the Indian Patent Act,2002 was brought to the light in response to compliance with the Convention on Biological Diversity and TRIPS (Trade-Related Intellectual Property ...
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The Concept Of Originality In Copyright Law

The main requirement for copyrights is the originality of the work. The word “Original” is not defined in any of the statutes and it must be analyzed through various judicial pronouncements. In Copyright, the originality does not require originality of idea but instead originality in the expression of that idea....
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UK representatives – Brexit

In the context of the end of the transition period (1 January 2021), UK-based representatives who lose their capacity to act before EUIPO are reminded that they should make a local copy of their communications and any other relevant data which is currently held in their own User Area within the EUIPO website. [#item_full_content]...
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